How to create your dream office space

In 2020 we all had to quickly create makeshift office spaces in our homes. The spaces were born out of a direct and urgent need, but they often lacked style and functionality. As time has gone on, more and more of us now work from home, and the majority have gone about creating a more permanent space. However, creating a functional and appealing office space is about more than just buying a desk, so I thought I would share my top tips on how to create an office space that sparks creativity and inspiration!

Firstly, make sure that your office space is actually in the best place in your home. If you are still using a corner of the dining room, with people passing in the background to get themselves coffee, have a little think about whether there is any other space in your home that might better serve you. Consider the space you use on a daily basis - that spare room that has a double bed only used at Christmas, could well be turned into a sofa bed and allow you to have the space you need.

Next think about what you actually need. Some of us need more storage than others, some a bigger desk, some multiple screens, so consider what you require and put that at the forefront of the project.

Remember that your workspace should be inspiring, so you should want to sit there…a few choice items that you love can easily do this for you. It might be a candle, a photograph, or an inspirational quote, but find your little bit of joy and have it where you can see it.
Lastly, think about your lighting. A well-lit space will make you feel awake and ready to take on the day. If possible try and get as much natural light as possible into the space and if need be, play around with a mirror to see if you can reflect any natural light you have in the direction of your workspace.
If you could do with a hand in making your office space a bit more inspiring then get in touch and see if we can help!