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My Top 10 Styling Tips for Spring!

The clocks have changed – Spring is officially here, so I thought I would help you with some Spring Styling tips for your home! Now is the perfect time to give your home a little spring boost and make it feel bright, fresh and uplifted – let’s start the season in style!!


Top lighting tips for your home!

You can't ever under estimate the impact lighting can have in your home! Planning the lighting in your home is one of the key elements of the design process and ensuring you have layered lighting throughout is key! In this post I will share with you soe of my top tips on how to illuminate your home beautifully with style and functionality!


Why a moodboard is an essential part of your design planning

When starting out with decorating or renovating any part of your home, once you have found your inspiration, your next step should be to create a moodboard. Why? Because a moodboard brings all your inspirational ideas to life in one place so you can really make sure that your design is going in the direction you want it to go.


How to use pattern in your home

Using pattern in your home injects personality, colour and warmth, but it can be totally daunting! So where do you start? I have pulled together my top tips to help you get started!

...and before you think pattern is just for the maximalists - I'm here to show you that it totally isn't!.


How to choose your Christmas colour palette

A Christmas colour palette? What is that and why on earth do I need one?
Creating a Christmas colour palette will make sure that you have direction with you Christmas decorating, making sure that it all goes together and gives you the look and, more importantly, the feel that you want! Red, Green and Gold may be the traditional colours of Christmas, but you really can use any colours you like! 

How to create your dream office space

In 2020 we all had to quickly create makeshift office spaces in our homes. The spaces were born out of a direct and urgent need, but they often lacked style and functionality. As time has gone on, more and more of us now work from home, and the majority have gone about creating a more permanent space. 


How to decorate your rental property!

Are you desperate to update your rental space to make it feel more like a home but you’re not sure where to start? I have pulled together my budget friendly and temporary DIY ideas that will help you create a beautiful space and make your rental feel like the home you deserve!


How to choose a colour scheme

Choosing paint colours in your home can be a minefield, where do you even start? I have pulled together my top tips for creating a colour scheme in your home, so if you don’t know if you want a neutral or a dark, or a pop of colour or a bright, take a look below!


Is E-Design right for me?

Are you fed up of making the wrong choices in your home? Do you have an idea of what you are after but just cant quite make it happen in your own home? Take a look and see if e-design would help you!

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How do you mix different types of wood?

Mixing different types of woods in your home can feel daunting - Will they go? Should they match? How many is too many? So I thought I would give you the key steps I try and follow when it comes to mixing and matching wood tones in your home. As with everything interior design, there is no one size fits all answer, so feel free to pick out the suggestions that resonate with you!


How to choose dining furniture!

Its not that long ago, that you’d walk into a large furniture store and just choose a dining table and chairs as a set. Not only is it now harder than ever to find somewhere to actually see  furniture before you purchase, but also buying a “set” is no longer the way to go. So what do you do? Where do you start? I thought I would pull together my thoughts on how I go about selecting these items for my clients and in my own home.

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What does an Interior Designer do?

A good interior designer will help you to define your style, and design your space to not only be a reflection of your personality, but also a functional space that makes the most out of your time and money.

Interior designers are not just for the rich and famous, in fact a good interior designer can help you save money, by avoiding costly mistakes! They can also save you time and stress, so what do you have to lose?


How to create the perfect gallery wall!

Whilst a lot of people may have thought that a gallery wall was a passing trend, I can assure you that this way of displaying your photos and prints is here to stay! Not only does a gallery wall give you the opportunity to show off your beautiful family photos or prints, but it can also add a long lasting visual interest to your space.There are however a couple of top tips and tricks that will make your gallery wall coherent, unique and beautiful.

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How to choose the right size rug

Having the right size rug can dramatically change a room’s overall look and feel. A rug that is too small for a room can make the space feel cold and uninviting. Similarly, go too big and the room could feel smaller. The right size rug will bring warmth and depth to a room, but where do you start?


Bathroom Tiles don't have to be boring!!

The possibilities are endless when it comes to bathroom tiles, which is why it can sometimes feel overwhelming when it comes to choosing not only the style and colour but also the layout. For that reason I thought I would share with you some inspirational images and ideas of how you could use tiles in a slightly different way in your own home!

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5 Decor & Home Trends to look out for in 2023

Every year Pinterest reveals their predictions for the next years trends, based on what people are searching for. For the last 3 years 80% of the reported predictions that Pinterest has made for the coming year have come true… This week they released top trend predictions for 2023, so what are they??


What is E-Design?

Are you fed up of making the wrong choices in your home? Do you have an idea of what you are after but just cant quite make it happen in your own home? Take a look and see if e-design would help you!

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How to Choose Paint for your Home

Choosing the right paint for your home can be a difficult task, so whether you are looking for a dead salmon, a disco nap or arsenic (yes they are all names of paint colours!) let us help you in making sure they are right for your space.


Create Flow in your Home

When it comes to designing and decorating our homes one of the most common mistakes we all make is tackling a house room by room, without thought for the house a whole. In doing this, individual rooms could look amazing, but when you take a step back the house feels disjointed and just doesn’t flow...

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How to make your
bedroom Autumn-ready

As we all settle in for the change of seasons, there is nothing better than reflecting that change in our homes; making them cosy, warm and inviting. In no other room in the house is it more important than in the bedroom - so here are my top tips on how you can achieve this in your own home: 

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